Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Fruit Gamble


photo courtesy of  kevinjeon00 / iStockphoto

THE FRUIT GAMBLE - a Bon Appetit blog by foodie/complainist The NitPicker

For foodies, there is a world of difference in flavor between the waxy apple plucked from a pile beneath flourescent lights, and the apple from the hand of your farmer at the local market. And why not? We shop at farmer's markets because the food is fresher, maybe organic, and cultivated for flavor. Because of this, we're willing to pay a heftier price! and we expect (and I usually get) fabulous fruit. But agriculture is an unpredictable science and sometimes a beautiful fruit turns out to taste like mush! There really isn't a complete solution for the market shopper. Fortunately, the typical deliciousness is worth the occasionally bad apple.

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