Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dylan Smith: Sentinel Guest

Our writing class was privilged to welcome the editor of southern Arizona online news journal, The Tucson Sentinel, Dylan Smith. Smith came from The Tucson Citizen, which is now out of print. He had intersting comments on the sole remaining southern Arizona paper, The Arizona Daily Star, and Tucson alternative weekly, The Tucson Weekly.

Smith has been in southern Arizona for over ten years, and says he is finally embedded enough in the community to have a foundation of the ins and outs of local happenings.
His online news journal, The Tucson Sentinel, is a independent, nonprofit news online news source. It aggregates news globally, but also has reports on local happenings. The articles are unique in their specificity to the region. His advice: Do what people aren't doing, check facts, find the stories that aren't being told. The Sentinel sets themselves apart with their commitment to unbiased reporting.

His goal is giving the most truthful comprehensive news possible. "Base your conclusions on truth," says Smith.

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