Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Style Mighty

Don't think I'm a one-track girl! Fashion is amazing.
I love the battle shield feel of the pieces in this collection, and the futuristic-goth-sci-fi style that Gareth Pugh throws in your face. Notice how androgynous the models are, including men in skirts and the hunchy, rough walk of some of the women.
Couture is bourgeois... I don't deny it. But I believe fashion it is one of the most accessible art forms, any one can (and everyone should) take hold of their own sense of style. How we present ourselves sends powerful messages to people about how we are, and what we have to offer.

Like it or not, first impressions speak LOUD. What do you think yours says? Is there much intention behind it?

Here's a more recent show from Gareth Pugh. Much cleaner, but just as mighty.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! image, video, your personal connection to the material, and a little challenge to your readers.
