Tuesday, November 29, 2011

To All The Turkeys...

How was your Thanksgiving? Full of family, friends and delicious eats?
Thanksgiving has always been a fun holiday since I left the nest, and this was an interesting year.

My dear friend, and fabulous social organizer, hosted an anti-imperalist feast, as a nod to the true Thanksgiving story, one that nobody really knows.

We read anti-imperialist poetry, ate a potulck dinner around cornucopias of squash, corn, plastic guns and GI joes, and lit candles in honor of the true and forgotten story.

Laughed, a lot, about another nationalistic myth we hold near and dear to our bellies.

And celebrated a culture of abundance, and darkness, that we're all a part, and a prodcut, of.

Read an account of the real thanksgiving story here.

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